Saturday, February 5, 2011

My siblings 2/5/2011

Up until the age of 7, I was an only child.  However, in second grade my dad married his second wife, who also had two children; Alyssa and Codey.  Since I had been friends with both of them for years, I thought it would be amazing to have them move in with us- it would be like a never-ending sleepover!  I was wrong.

 ^Our Christmas picture two years ago^

That's not to say that we didn't have our good days, too.  For the most part, Codey and I got along just fine.  He protected me, like brothers do, and I gave him advice for all of his relationships.  We had an understanding.


Alyssa was an entirely different story, being two years older than me.  As we grew up, she wanted to hang out with me less and less; and I soon found myself taking on the role of 'annoying little sister'.

 ^Me and Lissa, back when I was blonde^

 When I was in 5th grade, a new brother came into the picture.  My dad and step-mom decided to name him Dallas; after their favorite NFL team. 

Unfortunately, my dad and step-mom divorced last year.  So now it's just me and Dallas.

My relationship with all of my siblings has been both good and bad throughout the years.  Even though they aren't 'technically' my brother and sister anymore, I can't imagine thinking of Alyssa and Codey as anything but family.  And, in the end, I wouldn't trade any of our memories for the world. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you still think of them as family! I'm sure they feel the same way...great pictures!
