Saturday, February 12, 2011

My time-wasters

Some things that I do may be considered a waste of time, depending on how you look at them.  For example, I play many instruments; guitar, flute, and viola.  However, since I don't intend on pursuing a profession in the music industry, doing these things will get me virtually nowhere.  Another thing that I like to do is write songs/poetry.  This skill may be somewhat productive, if it weren't for the fact that I usually throw them away afterwards.  I also tend to play pointless games online; but, only when I get extremely bored.  They calm me down when I'm stressed, but are otherwise, well...pointless.  Finally, the thing that I do most often, and waste a significant amount of my time on, is watching movies/tv with my friends.  I find this to be my biggest time-waster, because time with my friends could be spent on a lot more productive activities...but we instead prefer to stay home and turn on a scary movie.  Like playing games, it often comforts me or offers a thing to do when I'm bored...but is useless.
So, in conclusion, most of my time is spent wasting time.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, pretty much all of my time is wasted. That's an interesting way to look at playing music and writing, though. Most people consider those to be good activities to do, but if they don't get you anywhere, are they really useful?
