Saturday, November 6, 2010


This week in english, we started reading the play 12 Angry Men.  I really wasn't looking forward to it because I've already seen the movie, and I remember how riveting that was (sarcasm intended).  Then again, I was like seven at the time, so I can't say that I understood any of it, either.  I remembered the ending, as well as bits and pieces of the I guess that was somewhat amusing to see what I forgot.  I'm kind of hoping that we DON'T watch the movie, though, because it was pretty dull.  Honestly, I don't understand the whole connection between trials and English that this class has seemed to take on.  I couldn't care less about these kind of things, which has made it difficult for me to get into any of the projects/assignments that we've done.  Although, I will admit that To Kill A Mockingbird turned out to be a lot better than I'd expected.  I was suprised about how easy it was to understand (for the most part), and also liked the realistic aspect of it.  Overall, I'd say it was my favorite unit so far this year.

1 comment:

  1. haha exactly i heard so manyy bad things about to kill a mockingbird, so i dreaded that we had to read it but it turned out to be a really good book.
