Saturday, March 26, 2011

Murder and The Shining

Dear Reader,
      In this post, I will talk about murder and how it relates to The Shining.  I chose the theme of murder because it is hidden throughout the entire book.  For example, Danny (one of the main characters), has psychic visions about the word 'redrum' while staying in the Overlook Hotel.  However, it is later revealed that he was seeing it through a mirror, and the word was really 'murder'.  As you read The Shining, the references to this theme become more and more frequent.  The parts of the book that aren't about murder, tend to be foreshadowing for the parts that do involve it.  Without the theme of murder, this book would be about absolutely nothing.  I hope you enjoy my project.

"Once that you've decided on a killing
First you make a stone of your heart"

The Torrance Family

"And if you find that your hands are still willing
Then you can turn a murder into art"

"Because murder is like anything you take to
It's a habit-forming need for more and more"

"You can bump off every member of your family
And anybody else you find a bore"

      The first genre that I chose was a character sketch of the three main characters; Wendy, Danny, and Jack.  I did this because there were only a few characters in the book to begin with, which helped add on to their feeling of isolationism.  I wanted to show how few important roles there were in the book, and how I imagined those people.
      My second genre was a postcard that I made.  I decided on this because I wanted to give the reader an idea of what the plot may be about.  I also wanted to, again, add on to the feeling of isolation throughout the book, by showing the setting that this all took place in.
      The final genre that I chose was a wanted poster, featuring Jack Torrance.  Although he was unsuccessful with murdering his family, I thought it would be pretty important to get him behind bars before he tried again.

Works Cited:

"jack-torrance-2." The Tentative Apologist. Web. 26 Mar 2011. <>.

The Police.  "Murder By Numbers".  Synchronicity.  1983.

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