Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Greatest Achievement

What I consider to be one of my greatest achievements, was probably my participation in the colorguard team.  The reasoning for this was because I never wanted to join in the first place, but was eventually convinced to audition with my friend.  I didn't even know what colorguard WAS when I auditioned- that's how much I wanted it.  However, they were desperate, and if they didn't put me on the team, it was going to be cut from the school.  So, I made it.  After that, every day for the next 5 months was spent doing hours upon hours of various training excercises.  I gave up half of my summer to go to band camp- which, believe it or not -was grueling.
By our first performance, I was still terrible, as compared to the rest of the girls.  In fact, I was so bad that they made me sit out for a couple of songs.  Ouch. 
The last game that we ever performed at, we did our routines for Fame and Hawaii 5-Oh.  Looking back at our season, they were definately our hardest songs.  After being out on the field, I felt like I did a terrible job, like I usually did.  But, then we watched a recording from our first performance, and I saw how much I really had improved.
Now, despite how lazy and clumsy as I used to be, I am just as equally good as all of the other girls who have been doing this for years...and that's why it's one of my biggest achievements. :)

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